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Grant and Awards Winners 2024

Graduate student winners of department awards and grants for Spring 2024 are listed below. Congrats, all!


Mildred Mason Griffith Botany Grant

Malu I. Ore Rengifo
Ashley Meade Kusel

Michael L. May Interdisciplinary Grant

Kara Taylor
Steven Cassidy

Michael L. May Research Grant

Brittaney Buchanan

John Paul Olowo Memorial Fund Research Grant

Emeline Pano

Brian Riewald Memorial Fund Research Grant

Joshua Doby
Lauren Gillett
Joshua Mwendwa Benjamin
Wesley Dillard
Jared Miller
Shambadeb Basu

Carrie Lynn Yoder Memorial Scholarship

Bharti Parihar

H. Jane Brockman Graduate Research Award

Shelby M. Palmer
Nick Gardner

Davis Graduate Fellowship in Botany

Francisco Ramon Nares
Rebecca Key
Ana Isabel López Cacacho
Claudia Juliana Garnica Díaz

Lewis and Varina Vaughn Fellowship

María José Román
Sarah Johnson

Frank Maturo Excellence Fund Award

Laurel Meke
Christopher Nolte
Abigail Uehling

Plant/Animal Interaction Research Grant

Eric Trotman

Cynthia A. Melnick Memorial Fund Award

Ella Nicklin
Brittany Cummings

Matthew Smith Memorial Fund Award

Katherine Davis

Michael L. May Fellowship

Zuania Colón Piñeiro
Steven Cassidy


Paper Award

Nerine Constant

Teaching Award

Wenyi Zhou

Mentoring Award

Arik Hartmann

Service Award

Claudia Juliana Garnica Díaz