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Meeting Minutes (2016-2017)

List of Meeting Minutes

BGSA meeting, 16 November 2016

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Goals of this meeting…

  1. BGSA’s involvement in BSC 3911
  2. The Biology Research Retreat
  3. New graduate degree minors and certificates
  4. Olowo award

BGSA’s involvement in BSC 3911

  1. Christine Davis’ role in this course is a facilitator. Graduate students decide what workshops and seminars to provide to undergraduate students. Christine will help provide supplies.
  2. Discuss what types of outreach experiences would be worthwhile.
  3. We proposed a “UF Biology Gives Back” outreach project for undergraduates to get involved in an outreach project. We could either design an outreach event for them or have undergraduate student design events that relate to specific interests.
  4. It would be helpful for graduate students to attend social events and at least one class to provide helpful feedback for research presentations.

Biology Research Retreat

What will make this an attractive event? How can we get more students to go?

  1. We are not exactly sure what the biology graduate retreat is or what the event involves.
  2. We could have students who get biology department awards present posters. Other graduate students are welcome to give talks. Is giving a poster too elementary?
  3. What happens to students who cannot attend the retreat but received an award? Have those students send a poster?
  4. It is nice for the biology department to see what research was funded.
  5. Party on the last night after all is finished!

New graduate degree minors and certificates

  1. What type of minors could we offer for students that do not aspire to go into academia?
  2. Will continue next meeting.

Olowo award

  1. Funds for the Olowo award do not exist and it appears that BGSA is supposed to fund the award.
  2. Topic of discussion: Should BGSA fund the award or should we drop the award?
  3. We need more information about Mr. Olowo and how the award was initiated. We also need more information about how it has been funded in the past.
  4. Decision about the award is pending until further information is provided.
  5. BGSA is considering sending a survey to graduate student body for decision on award.

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BGSA meeting, 22 August 2016

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Welcome committee

  • There will be a potluck held in the courtyard at 5pm on Friday August 26. Select beverages will be provided. Everyone is to bring a dish for a discounted price or pay a cover. Biology department will help cover some of the costs.
  • We will send an email out asking for people to volunteer their grills.
  • Nate will send out another email.


Javi is working on updating the BGSA website. The site is very outdated. Some members were asked to write a better description of their duties. We also wanted a mission statement. A google document will be distributed.

Bank account and future fundraisers

  • We are starting off the year with $1,775 in the bank account. We will continue selling the UF biology Tshirts and pint glasses for this semester.
  • Starting in the Spring of 2017 we will sell different UF Biology merchandise (water bottle, reusable grocery bag, etc).
  • If we sell all of the Tshirts in Jerald’s office we will earn $1117.

What are we fundraising for? We would like to host more seminars for undergraduates and graduate students.
There is a TA office! We could fundraise to make that nicer.

Awards committee

This year they will decide on an early application deadline. Last year awards were due December 23.

Green Team

  • They will do something this year! Maybe bring back composting? Does anyone know if students have access to the compost?

New Hires in the department

  • Jimmy will send out a survey to provide information for the faculty meeting on Wednesday.

What is our role as BGSA?

  1. We want to help both undergraduates and graduates with career development. Here are some potential seminars for both graduate and undergraduate students.
  2. CV/resume writing seminar for undergraduates (Zach Emberts will organize for Spring 2017)
  3. Ice cream social for undergraduates to get to know the graduate students and their research. This is also a great opportunity to find student researchers to volunteer in labs.  Students will be encouraged to ask questions about graduate school (Katrina will organize for Fall 2016).
  4. Mock graduate school interviews for undergraduates.
  5. Provide a seminar for graduate students where people in different professions (industry, academia, etc) can advise students.

End of meeting goals

  • Plan one seminar per semester. This semester will be the ice cream social.
  • Develop a mission statement.

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