BGSA Meeting, 20 February 2020
Treasurer Update (including Fundraising)
- BGSA fundraising spent $1110.25 and has raised $1392.00 so far this year
- fundraising can raise ~$2000 with remaining inventory already purchased
- BGSA spent $176.65 on activities/events this year
- BGSA currently has no formal budget
- Lindsey Riibe (treasurer) will draft a budget proposal for the 2020-21 year
- Suggestion to sell fundraising merchandise during recruitment weekend events (in addition to during Zoocial)
- possibly during the banquet at the museum
- Motion to donate BGSA mugs and T-shirts for SACNAS regional meeting to be held on campus – all in favor
- Motion to provide funds for snacks during mental health panels and/or the peer support group – all in favor
BGSA nominations, modifications and new positions:
- It was suggested after the Biology retreat that a grad student “Reporting Liaison” be elected by BGSA to help guide students on how/where to report an incident
- this position would require training; too much responsibility for a BGSA volunteer position
- “how-to” will be put together including a list of “reportable offenses” and links to relevant resources, and posted on Biology website
- Jimmy Peniston and Krista Koeller volunteered to lead this project
- Motion to add a faculty representative to BGSA – all in favor
- the faculty rep would attend the Fall/Spring BGSA meetings – someone to represent our interests to faculty (beyond the pres and vp roles)
- Johanna Jantzen (president) will bring this new position to Marta
- Motion to removing seminar snack committee from BGSA – all in favor!
- Johanna Jantzen (president) will bring this to the department
- Motion to have Zoocial reps nominated through BGSA elections again, but Zoocial funding, etc. remains separate – all in favor
- Zoocial representatives used to be nominated through BGSA, but more recently reps have been responsible for replacing themselves
- part of a larger discussion on inclusion and alcohol
- Motion to separate Welcoming/Recruitment committee back into 2 separate committees – all in favor
- Suggestion to move Welcoming event to Lake Wahlberg
- possible challenges include transportation, lack of participation, and cost
- proposed as a way to reduce alcohol-based events
- Suggestion to move Welcoming event to Lake Wahlberg
- Awards Committee Representatives should be elected thoughtfully
- Reps should represent diversity of fields and should all be from different labs to ensure fewer conflicts of interest
- Nominations for 2020-21 year will begin in March
- doodle poll will be sent out by Lindsey Riibe (treasurer) – please participate!
- nominate yourself and others!
- encourage more junior students to nominate themselves/others!
BGSA Sharepoint – UF Biology Graduate Student Association
- One place for all BGSA documents! – All BGSA reps should have access
- Please write up a “how-to” for your committee/position
- Estimate how long you spend in an average semester on your role (individually if multiple members of the committee)
- Please upload your documents for sharing
- New student documents (and update)
- Will upload and please update as you are able/want
- Will send around each year – stored on sharepoint for future access
Climate Survey Follow-up
- Mentoring resources will be provided in the grad student handbook, updated by the Graduate Coordinator
- Power Dynamics discussion March 10th at 2:00pm in Carr 611
- Discussion moderated by Dr. Ana Puig from the Office of Educational Research
- Share any topics you would like discussed w/ Johanna Jantzen
- Jimmy Peniston shared a zine on power dynamics in academia by Academics Taking Action – will share via the listserv
UF Wellness Fund
- BGSA could submit a proposal to leverage some of these funds, given the work that has been conducted by our mental health committee
Additional office space available to grad students – 617 Bartram
- email from Marta Wayne 2/18/2020:
I am delighted to let you know that starting Monday, graduate students may use 617 Bartram for office hours. Any building/room key will open the door. Please be respectful of Chris Dutton (copied here), who occupies the inner office 617A, by keeping noise levels under control and by making sure the door is shut and locked when you leave. Pete is setting up desks and tables this week; please let him or I know of any needs or issues that arise!