List of officers – Summer 2019/Spring 2020
Johanna Jantzen
Vice President:
Ellen Humbel
Lindsey Riibe
Curriculum Rep:
Jonathan Spoelhof
Graduate Rep:
David Anderson
Space and Facilities Rep:
Ian Ausprey
Colloquium Rep:
Jimmy Peniston
IT Rep:
Lauren Whitehurst
GSC Rep:
Sarah Kurtis
Scott Cinel
Public Relations and Fundraising Rep:
Lindsey Riibe
Natya Hans
Greenhouse Rep:
Shamindri Tennakoon
Whitney Lab Rep:
Justin Waletich
Bartram Carr Woods Rep:
Annika Smith
Bylaws Revision Rep:
Stephanie Wheeler
URAP Committee:
Alex Gulick
David Anderson
Ellen Humbel
Awards Committee:
Jonathan Spoelhof
Maria Cortez,
Nerine Constant
Welcoming/ Recruitment Committee:
Alex Gulick
Aditi Jayarajan
Maria Cortez
Mental Health Committee:
Jessica Whelpley
Bonnie Kircher
Retreat Rep:
Bonnie Kircher
International Student Rep:
Shamindri Tennakoon