List of officers – Summer 2022/Spring 2023
Jessie Pelosi
Vice President:
Kasey Pham
Yuley Encarnacion Pineyro
Curriculum Rep:
Graduate Rep:
Michelle Gaynor
Space and Facilities Rep:
Kara Taylor
Colloquium Rep:
Steven Cassidy
IT Rep:
VACANT (Kasey Pham interim)
GSC Rep:
Ashley Hamersma
Juliette Rubin
Public Relations and Fundraising Rep:
Kate Davis
Ogonna Eli
Greenhouse Rep:
Whitney Lab Rep:
Cody Miner
Bartram Carr Woods Rep:
Lauren Whitehurst
Bylaws Revision Rep:
Eric Trotman
Mentorship Committee:
International Student Rep:
Maria Vallejo-Pareja
URAP Committee:
Claudia Garnica Díaz
Sarah Kurtis
John Mwikaki
Awards Committee:
Arik Hartmann
Brittaney Buchanan
Christopher Nolte
Welcoming Committee:
Zuania Colón-Piñeiro
Claudia Garnica Díaz
Manasee Weerathunga
Recruitment Committee:
Ashley Kusel
Steven Cassidy
Joshua Benjamin
Mental Health Committee:
Ashley Hamersma
Manasee Weerathunga
Lillian Hendrick
Climate Committee Reps:
Md Monjurul Islam Rifat
Kayli Sieber
Chelsea Skojec
Code of Conduct Rep:
Caitlin Campbell
Zoocial Committee:
Steven Cassidy
Tal Kinser
Nicholas Gardner
Bethany Zumwalde
Josh Doby
Zoojoe/Botantea Committee:
Kara Taylor
Malu Ore Rengifo