Mission statement: We believe that good mental health and personal well-being of graduate students in the Biology Department is essential to building a supportive, productive, and open community. We also acknowledge that graduate school can be one of the most challenging periods of an academic career and of life. Many data show that mental health in graduate school is demonstrably poor and that the same stigma about mental health problems that is present nationally is also present in academia. We are striving to improve the quality of the graduate school experience in the Biology Department by making information about the mental health resources available to graduate students easily accessible. We also strive to break down stigma that causes barriers to discussion and mediation of mental health problems.
Subscribe to the wellness list-serv:
Email listserv@lists.ufl.edu with the following message:
Subscribe WELLNESS-L yourfirstname yourlastname
Short-term counseling through the Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) on campus: https://counseling.ufl.edu/services/individual/
- Most students will be seen for 1-6 sessions
- You must attend a “Triage” appointment before beginning individual therapy
Groups and Workshops through the CWC on campus:
Counseling through Alachua County:
- “These services are staffed by graduate level practicum and intern students, adjunct (unpaid) counselors who are often post master’s level individuals seeking experience toward licensure in a mental health area and the clinical staff of the center. To make an appointment, call the Crisis Line (264-6789) or Business Line (264-6785) anytime.” – from Crisis Center Website
Psychiatry through the CWC on campus:
- You must attend a “Triage” appointment before beginning individual therapy
Psychiatry/Therapy through GatorGradCare: https://providersearch.floridablue.com/providersearch/pub/index.htm
- Select plan “BlueOptions” under “Health Plans” on the drop down menu
Psychiatry/Therapy through GatorGradCare:
Text messaging therapy for Graduate Assistants:
- This is a service that is covered by the GatorGradCare health insurance plan
Crisis Services :
On campus: https://counseling.ufl.edu/services/crisis/
Off campus: http://www.alachuacounty.us/depts/css/crisiscenter/pages/services.aspx
Numbers Available 24/7:
- Crisis Line (Alachua County): 352-264-6789
- National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)